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As a cultural variety show, the National Treasure is dedicated to showcase the background stories of national treasures, and fuses various art forms including studio variety show, documentary and drama. Each treasure in the show will be presented by "national treasure keepers" acted by celebrities and common people, to tell their stories with the collections, interpreting their historical mystery. 作为一档文化类综艺节目,《国家宝藏》旨在展示国宝的背景故事,将各种艺术形式融入到室内综艺节目、纪录片和戏剧中。节目中的每件珍宝都将由名人和素人扮演的“护宝人”来展现,讲述他们与这些国宝的故事,诠释其背后的历史奥秘。


Hong Kong actor Tony Leung, who called himself a "half Forbidden City man", spent much time in the Palace Museum when shooting the film Reign Behind a Curtain in which he played Emperor Xianfeng. This time, he is the keeper of the 2,300-year-old stone drum and acts as famous statesman Sima Guang in Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) in the TV show. 中国香港演员梁家辉自称是“半个故宫人”,他在拍摄《垂帘听政》时在故宫呆了很长一段时间,当时他在剧中饰演咸丰皇帝。这次,他是有着2300年历史的石鼓的“护宝人”,在节目中扮演了北宋(960-1127)著名政治家司马光。

Wang Kai, performing as Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) Emperor Qianlong in the show, presented the historical background of Large Vase with Variegated Glazes, which has the most complicated craftsmanship in the history of Chinese imperial porcelain. 王凯扮演的是清朝(1644-1911)乾隆皇帝,他介绍了釉彩大瓶的历史背景。各种釉彩大瓶是中国历史上工艺最复杂的御用瓷器。




Qihoo 360, a leading Chinese internet security company and also a camera maker, has been accused of infringing on people's privacy for streaming videos recorded by its surveillance cameras, reports Beijing Youth Daily. 据《北京青年报》报道,中国领先的网络安全公司及摄像头制造商奇虎360近日被指侵犯个人隐私,将监控视频内容放到视频网站直播。

An online article published on December 11, 2017 alleged that Qihoo 360 has put the surveillance videos collected from its camera users on its live streaming platform Shuidi Live, which has raised public concern over privacy invasion. 2017年12月11日发表的一篇网文指出,奇虎360将从摄像头用户那里获取的监控视频在旗下的水滴平台直播,引发公众对侵犯个人隐私的关注。

So far, over 300,000 units of Qihoo's intelligent camera equipment have been sold on Taobao. 目前,淘宝网上已售出超过30万个360智能摄像头。

Most of the buyers are business owners who install the cameras in public places with a large flow of people, such as restaurants, clothing stores, hotels, fitness centers and office buildings. 买家多数是经营业主,他们把摄像头安装在人流较大的公共场所,比如餐馆、服装店、宾馆、健身房和办公楼。

When people enter the surveillance areas, all their movements could become streamed on Shuidi Live, which has an average of over seven million viewers per day. 当人们走进监控区域,一举一动都会在水滴平台直播。该平台日均浏览量超过700万次。



作为全球最知名“黄金单身汉”之一,英国哈里王子(Prince Harry)的感情生活近年来一直备受关注。11月27日,英国王室终于传来喜讯,33岁的哈里王子与非裔美籍女友——36岁的演员梅根•马克尔(Meghan Markle)订婚,两人将于2018年春完婚!


At 2pm the smiling couple made it official by posing for photographs arm in arm in the Sunken Garden. 当日下午两点,这对春风满面的情侣在低地花园第一次正式亮相,手挽着手拍摄照片。

Harry looked nervous but happy and his fiancée stroked his arm lovingly as they spoke to reporters – with the actress calming his nerves rather than the other way round. 与记者交谈时,哈里看起来既开心又紧张,而马克尔则深情地抚着哈里的手臂,反过来安慰未婚夫的紧张情绪。

英国首相特蕾莎•梅(Theresa May)也在第一时间通过推特送上祝福:

“I would like to offer my very warmest congratulations to HRH Prince Harry and Meghan Markle upon their engagement.” “我想对哈里王子和梅根•马克尔的订婚致以最热烈的祝贺。”

“This is a time of huge celebration for two people in love and, on behalf of myself, the Government and the country, I wish them great happiness for the future.” “这是为两个相爱的人欢庆的时刻。我代表我个人、政府和整个英国,祝他们幸福快乐。”


外国“富二代”流行学中文 学汉语从娃娃抓起


The six-year-old sings two songs Our Fields, Beautiful Fields, and My Good Mom. She also displayed knowledge about Chinese literature by reciting Three Character Classic, a Confucianist volume to educate young children, and two ancient poems of Li Bai, Watching the Fall of Lushan Mountain, and Departing from Baidi City in the Morning. 6岁的阿拉贝拉演唱了《我们的田野》、《我的好妈妈》两首中文歌,为了展示自己对中国文学的了解,她还背诵了儒学启蒙读本《三字经》以及李白的两首古诗《望庐山瀑布》、《早发白帝城》。

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg picked up Mandarin a few years ago, and improved so much, he was able to do a 30-minute question and answer session in the language. His wife, Priscilla Chan, speaks fluent Cantonese. 脸书网首席执行官马克•扎克伯格学习普通话已有几年,且成效显著,他可以用中文进行30分钟的问答环节。他的妻子普里西拉•陈还可以讲一口流利的粤语。

The couple have already introduced Mandarin into the house for their daughter Max. Zuckerberg uploaded a video on Facebook that showed his AI personal assistant teaching Max to speak Mandarin. 这对夫妇也让自家大女儿麦克斯学习普通话。扎克伯格还在脸书网上传过一段视频,视频显示他的智能机器人助手正在教麦克斯说普通话。




In the speeches, the parents boast of their expensive educations at prestigious universities, of their good jobs, and of their qualifications as ideal role models for children. 家长们在竞选宣言中炫耀自己优越的名校教育背景、体面的工作、以及作为学生心中完美榜样的资格。

“I graduated from Central Michigan University, and now I work at a private equity firm,” wrote one mother, adding that her husband, a Ph.D., works at the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. 其中一位妈妈写道:“我毕业于美国中密歇根大学,现任职于私募基金公司。”她还称,自己的丈夫博士毕业,在央行外管局工作。

She enumerated several reasons why she believed herself to be a strong candidate. 这位妈妈还列举了几个理由,证明自己是一位强有力的候选人:

“I have three years of experience as the head of the parents’ committee at my child’s kindergarten; my work schedule is flexible, so I can be present whenever I’m needed; and I’m a fan of photography, so I can take pictures during class activities; and my child was the host of her kindergarten’s graduation ceremony, so I have experience in training children to host.” “连续三年担任幼儿园家委会会长;弹性工作可以随叫随到;爱好摄影可以为班级拍摄活动照片;XXX曾担任幼儿园毕业典礼主持,在训练孩子主持台风方面有一定经验……”




The first time I felt homesick during my semester abroad, I hadn't even left the country yet. My parents had just dropped me off at JFK. They had stayed with me until I entered the security line, and then, with a few hugs and wave goodbye, they were gone. 第一次想家时,我甚至还没出国。爸妈送我到肯尼迪机场,他们一直把我送到安检线前。我们拥抱,说了再见,他们就回家了。

The second time it happened, I was shopping in my first Prague supermarket, surrounded by foods I didn't know, brands I couldn't read, and cashiers I couldn't understand, as I was shouted at in rapid Czech. 我第二次想家,是第一次在布拉格的一家超市购物,周围的食物我都没见过,这些品牌我也不认识,收银员们用快速的捷克语跟我大声地讲话,我却一句也听不懂。

The third time, I was deeply sick with a virus; feverish, exhausted, and miserable. My friends brought me soup and I stayed home from class, but all I wanted was to be in my own house, with Gilmore Girls on the TV and meds that were in English, and a mom who'd rub my back as I fell asleep. 第三次想家,是我生着重病的时候,发烧、疲倦、痛苦万分。朋友给我带了汤,我也请了假,但我只想窝在自己的家里看《吉尔莫女孩》,希望药盒上都是我看得懂的文字,希望妈妈在我身边,她会在我睡觉时摩挲我的背。




The roughly 30-second ad shows a Chinese mother telling her daughter, "Don't call me your mom if you cannot bring back a boyfriend," after which the girl is shown bringing a man who claims to be her boyfriend to the family's living room. Her parents are pleased and proceed to transform their dining table into a fancy banquet table with the help of various Ikea items, under a caption that says "celebrate everyday easily." 在这部30秒左右的广告中,一位中国母亲告诫女儿:“再不带男朋友回来,就别叫我妈。”随后镜头一转,女儿携男友出现在客厅,女孩父母喜笑颜开,用宜家家居将餐桌布置一新,最后打出字幕:“轻松庆祝每一天。”

"Not bringing a boyfriend home will result in a mean face and no festive atmosphere, but doing so will result in smiles and welcomes. How is this a family?"“不带男友回家,就一脸严肃,没有节日气氛,带男友回家,就笑脸相迎。这是什么样的家?”

"It's hard to believe that the system of values (shown in the commercial) comes from Ikea and its brand of lifestyle comfort." “很难相信,标榜舒适生活品牌形象的宜家传递了这样的价值观。”


麦当劳中国更名“金拱门” 炸出一堆段子手


Although the fast food chain reassured its fans on its Weibo microblog that stores in China will still bear the old name, the new moniker was immediately ridiculed by net users for sounding unsophisticated. 尽管该快餐连锁公司在新浪微博上向其粉丝保证中国的门店不会改名,但新名称还是因为听起来太“土”而遭到网友嘲笑。

“Jingongmen sounds like a name for a Peking duck restaurant or a traditional Chinese medicine store,” one Weibo user wrote. 一位微博网友写道:“金拱门听起来像是北京烤鸭店或者中药店铺的名字。”

Picking a Chinese name can be tricky for foreign brands. US home-sharing company Airbnb earlier this year chose “Aibiying,” or “welcome each other with love,” for its Chinese operations, but the name was badly received for being difficult to pronounce. Last month, NBA team Dallas Mavericks asked its fans to come up with a new Chinese name because the current xiaoniu is a mistranslation, meaning “little cows.” 选择一个中国名称对一些外国品牌来说很伤脑筋。美国的共享住宿公司Airbnb今年早些时候为其中国业务选择了“爱彼迎”这一名称,意思是“用爱欢迎彼此”,但因为发音拗口遭人嫌弃。上个月,美国职业篮球联赛达拉斯小牛队请粉丝们为他们想一个新队名,因为“小牛队”其实是个误译。





Prevent bad habits by intervening when kids toggle between texting and studying, sacrifice sleep for gaming or start work at midnight. 当孩子一会儿发短信一会儿学习,不睡觉打游戏,或者半夜才开始写作业时,家长要及时阻止这些坏习惯。

Have your kids choose special learning attire, such as a thinking hat or a pair of glasses, that they wear only while studying. Researchers at Northwestern University found that even adults are influenced by their clothing. In a study published in the journal Child Development, researchers found that young children persevered longer when they pretended to be a superhero. 让孩子挑一套特别的学习服饰,例如一顶思考帽,或一副眼镜,只在学习时穿戴。美国西北大学的研究人员发现,即使是成年人们也会受到所穿服饰的影响。研究人员在《儿童发展》期刊发表的一篇文章中说,当孩子们假装成超级英雄时,他们坚持学习的时间更长。

Allow kids to choose when they work or how they would like to approach a teacher, but follow up, says Kim Campbell, a consultant for the Association for Middle Level Educators in Minnetonka, Minn. If kids promise to connect with a teacher on their own, they need to know what will happen if they do not follow through. 明尼苏达州中等水平教育者协会顾问金•坎贝尔说,让孩子自己选择什么时候写作业,或者如何与老师打交道。如果孩子保证自己联系老师,他们需要知道,如果他们不照做会有何种后果。




两弯似蹙非蹙罥烟眉,一双似喜非喜含露目。态生两靥之愁,娇袭一身之病。 Her dusky arched eyebrows were knitted and yet not frowning, her speaking eyes held both merriment and sorrow; her very frailty had charm.

泪光点点,娇喘微微。闲静时,如姣花照水;行动处,似弱柳扶风。心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分。 Her eyes sparkled with tears, her breath was soft and faint. In repose she was like a lovely flower mirrored in the water; in motion, a pliant willow swaying in the wind. She looked more sensitive than Bi Gan, more delicate than Xi Shi.





According to netizens from southern China, they usually buy what they need for just one or two meals. "It is quite normal for us to buy one or half of a Chinese cabbage at a time," said a netizen. 据南方网友所说,他们经常只买一两顿饭所需的菜。一名网友说道:“我们一次就买一颗或者半颗白菜,这太正常了。”

However, one is very likely to be scorned if he does this in the north. "We love to stock up on groceries. Buying 25 kilograms of Chinese cabbage is the norm," said a netizen from the north. 但如果在北方这样做,八成要受到嘲讽。一名北方网友说:“我们喜欢囤货,经常一买就买50斤大白菜。”




The finger move, done by Zhang Yishan has been dubbed 'physically impossible' by stunned audience. 观众被张一山的手指姿势惊呆了,将其称为“人类无法做到的姿势”。

The actor raised his right hand, putting his little finger on top of his thumb while keeping the other three fingers straight. 他举起右手,把小拇指压在大拇指上,同时让其他三个手指保持竖直。

The trick might seem easy, but many people said the difficulty is to keep the little finger on top of the thumb, not the other way around. 这个手势看上去简单,但是很多人表示,难点在于把小拇指压在大拇指上。相反,要是大拇指压在小拇指上就容易得多了。


多亏了中国式相亲价目表 老外都知道“势利眼”长啥样啦


An article in the magazine Phoenix Weekly on what Beijing people look for in China's "marriage markets" often arranged in parks has caught people's attention. 中国公园里有很多“相亲市场”,而《凤凰周刊》关于相亲市场里北京人相亲条件的报道引起了公众的注意。

One woman with the surname Li, advertising her 33-year-old son in a Beijing park, says her son "will not consider someone who does not have a Beijing hukou." A Hukou is a household registration document. 李女士在北京一座公园里为33岁的儿子征婚,她称,自己的儿子“不会考虑没有北京户口的女孩儿”。户口是一种户籍证件。

Phoenix Weekly said parents seeking matches for children from outside of Beijing encountered great difficulty in the city's markets. 《凤凰周刊》表示,为子女找对象的外地人在北京相亲市场上遇到了很大的困难。

"What's up with the Beijing people? Are they on a higher plane?" one user asks. Another says "this is very snobbish." 一位网友质问道:“北京人怎么了?北京人高人一等?”。另一位网友则称:“真是太势利了。”


章莹颖案嫌犯将出庭受审 罪名成立或被判死刑

据外媒报道,美国联邦当局逮捕并指控一名27岁男子,据称其绑架了伊利诺伊大学访问学者章莹颖。章莹颖失踪,目前据推测已经死亡。犯罪嫌疑人名为布伦特•克里斯滕森(Brendt Christensen),曾是该校物理系的一名助教。克里斯滕森将于当地时间7月3日上午10点首次出席联邦法庭的审讯。


A man has been arrested in connection with the disappearance of a visiting Chinese graduate student last seen June 9 on the University of Illinois campus, the US attorney's office for Central Illinois said Friday. 伊利诺伊州中部联邦检察官办公室6月30日表示,一名与6月9日伊利诺伊大学中国访问学者失踪案有关的男子已被逮捕。

Investigators with the FBI think the student, Yingying Zhang, 26, is probably dead, a news release from the attorney's office said. 该州联邦检察官办公室发布的消息称,美国联邦调查局(FBI)调查人员认为,26岁的章莹颖很可能已经死亡。

Brendt Christensen, 27, of Champaign, Illinois, will face a charge of kidnapping, the news release said.消息称,27岁的布伦特•克里斯滕森将面临绑架指控。他来自伊利诺伊州香槟郡。


丹麦生蚝泛滥成灾 中国吃货:放着让我来



Danish people would never expect that the oyster crisis confronting their country may turn into a food-lovers' bonanza in China. The European country's dilemma may be the last thing Chinese people would ever understand as they see the abundance of seafood as a treat, rather than a problem. 丹麦人从来没有想到,他们国家遭遇的生蚝危机可能成为中国吃货的口福。丹麦的困境或许是中国人最难以理解的,因为对于他们来说,这大批大批的海鲜是一种美食,而不是麻烦。

The Danish Embassy published a story on Monday evening on its official Sina Weibo account, China's twitter-like social network, about the problems for their country caused by an invasion of the exotic oysters. 4月24日晚,丹麦驻华大使馆在其新浪微博官方账号上发布了一篇文章,描述了外来牡蛎入侵给该国带来的问题。

The embassy makes a small joke in the post to invite Chinese people to eat oysters in Denmark. 丹麦大使馆在文中开了个小玩笑,邀请中国人来丹麦吃生蚝。





From frying pancakes on her CPU, to eating hotpot from a water dispenser, one Chinese woman is cooking up a storm — using just the stuff found around her office. 从用电脑机箱摊煎饼,到用饮水机吃火锅,一名中国女子在办公室里翻云覆雨地做美食,用的厨具都是随手拈来的办公用品。

Nicknamed "Office Little Ye", the woman's videos have gone viral on Chinese social media platform Weibo, with some of her videos scoring almost 20 million views. 这位绰号叫“办公室小野”的女子的视频近日在中国微博火了,其中一些视频的浏览量高达近2000万。

She uploads a new "cooking episode" once every few weeks, and some of her videos are also available on YouTube. 她每隔几周都会上传一集新的“花样烹饪短片”,其中一些视频在YouTube上也能看到。


(中国日报网英语点津  yaning)

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